Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

moviemusicHK (moviemoviehk)

$10.99 USD 
Availability: 2 in stock

Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服與機關槍卒業 2016 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Director : Koji Maeda
Cast : Kanna Hashimoto, Hiroki Hasegawa, Masanobu Ando
Language: Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 119 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Release Date : 2016-08-26
Publisher : CN Entertainment

Usually ships within 5 DAYS with TRACKING NUMBER

Synposis :

19-year-old high school girl Izumi once inherited leadership of a four-man Yakuza gang, the Medaka Group. The group disbanded after a failed raid on the rival Hamaguchi gang. With graduaation coming up, Izumi resumed her life as a high school student. When her friends are caught in a scam by a fake modeling agency, and a dangerous new drug called “Cookie” turns up at her school, Izumi investigates. When she questions the Hamaguchi boss, he in turn suspects the Medaka of drug dealing. Are the authorities trying to clean up the town by provoking a turf war?

曾經是黑幫老大的女高中生星泉(橋本環奈-飾),在成 功復仇後與一眾手下金盤洗手,轉為在商店街經營咖啡店, 在畢業前重新感受正常女高中生的愉快日常。可是因同學們 誤中了模特兒騙案,代為出頭的星泉再次被捲入黑道鬥爭 中,更發現自己的咖啡店竟然暗地裡牽涉毒品生意﹗為了查 明真相、保護自己的地頭,星泉決定重出江湖,執起機關槍 向敵人瘋狂掃射﹗