FROM TODAY, IT;S MY TURN 今日我話事劇場版 2020 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

FROM TODAY, IT;S MY TURN 今日我話事劇場版 2020  (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
FROM TODAY, IT;S MY TURN 今日我話事劇場版 2020  (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
FROM TODAY, IT;S MY TURN 今日我話事劇場版 2020  (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
FROM TODAY, IT;S MY TURN 今日我話事劇場版 2020  (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


Availability: 2 in stock

FROM TODAY, IT;S MY TURN 今日我話事劇場版 2020 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Cast: Kaku Kento, Ito Kentarō, Nana Seino
Director: Yuichi Fukuda
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Duration : 115 mins
Release Date : 2021-05-15
Publisher : Vicol Entertainment 

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Set in the 1980's, high school student Takashi Mitsuhashi (Kento Kaku) transfers to another school. Due to his blond dyed hair, excellent athletic ability, and unique personality, he is a target of roughnecks from other schools. Takashi Mitsuhashi becomes a duo with Shinji Ito (Kentaro Ito), who transferred to the same school on the same day. They fight against the thugs everyday. Meanwhile.....

位於大西北嘅北根壞高校學生,一把火燒咗自己間學 校,唯有借用開久高校。而北根壞惡霸柳銳次(柳樂優彌 飾)喺非常時期仲威逼利誘開久高校嘅同學硬食貴價鎖匙 扣,唔買嘅就通通捱打。