HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


Availability: 2 in stock

HOTAUR : It's Only A Little Light In My Life 2012 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Cast : Fujiki Naohito, Ayase Haruka
Director :  Hiroshi Yoshino 
Language: Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Screen Format : Widescreen
Duration : 110 mins
Release Date : 2012-12-20
Publisher : Vicol Entertainment HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


When Hotaru finds out that her husband’s dream is to spend a “Roman holiday with a loved one,” she decides to go on their honeymoon to Italy. She’s never traveled over seas before and frankly doesn’t feel up to it at all, but since her husband seems to be really looking forward to it, she’ll do this honeymoon thing for his sake! There, the newlyweds meet Rio Saeki, another “dried fish” in Italy, and her younger brother Yu, and all hell breaks loose!

What will become of Hotaru, the bride who rushes around a foreign city in pursuit of her beloved groom, Manager Takano, who has suddenly disappeared in Rome?

Will the two be able to find eternal love in Italy?

小螢與高野部長結婚後,知道部長的夢想是與愛人在羅馬休假,決意和他去意大利羅馬蜜月旅行為了追尋離開日本的姐姐的青年 - 牙木優,在飛往意大利的機上與鄰座的小螢相當投緣,並漸漸對小螢產生好感。機緣巧合下,二人遇到了優的姐姐牙木莉央。莉央因失去了某些重要的東西,因而變得消極、對什麼都提不起興趣的“乾物女”,並逃至意大利生活。後來,莉央竟向弟弟介紹高野部長是她的未婚夫。究竟小螢與部長的感情,會否因莉央的出現而產生變化呢?二人的蜜月之旅,又會引發甚麼笑料?