Attack On Titan TV Drama Series - 進擊的巨人 - 番外篇 2015 (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Attack On Titan TV Drama Series - 進擊的巨人 - 番外篇 2015  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Attack On Titan TV Drama Series - 進擊的巨人 - 番外篇 2015  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Attack On Titan TV Drama Series - 進擊的巨人 - 番外篇 2015  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Attack On Titan TV Drama Series - 進擊的巨人 - 番外篇 2015  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

Attack On Titan TV Drama Series - 進擊的巨人 - 番外篇 2015 (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Satomi Ishihara, Yuta Hiraoka, Sakuraba Nanami
Director : Shinji Higuchi 
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1080p AVC
Sound System : Dolby True HD
Duration : 108 mins
Release Date : 2016-11-09
Publisher : Edko Films HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Attack on Titan – TV Drama Series Based on the popular manga series Attack on Titan, this production is a drama series of three episodes focusing on the new story set within that world. Not only tying in to the two live-action films shown in theatre, the series is also directed by the films’ director Shinji Higuch. While Satomi Ishihara stars as Hanji in this series, Nanami Sakuraba, Shu Watanabe, Rina Takeda and Ayame Misaki appear in their repetive roles of the films……

1: The Strike Back Begins
The soldiers focused on defeating the Titans are currently in intensive training and weapons development. Meanwhile Izuru (Yuuta Hiraoka), a new officer sent from the Security Control Station meets Titan research specialist, Hans (Satomi Ishihara). In a secret laboratory, Hans has been conducting research on the Titans. Holding a keen interest in her research, Izuru infiltrates Hans’ laboratory and discovers that she has successfully captured a living Titan specimen.

2: The Arrow of Hope
A bow and arrow specialist, Sasha (Nanami Sakuraba) hunts with the people of her village to survive. However, when the village was attacked by a Titan everyone was driven from their homes. In the wake of the Titan attack, Sasha joins the Scout Regiment as a new recruit and trains her hardest every day. One night she sees a suspicious boy, whose appearance triggers a series of strange incidents.

3: The Departure to FreedomAmongst the ranks of the new rookie soldiers, two excellent cadets stand out — Fukushi (Shu Watanabe) and Lil (Rina Takeda). Lil’s parents were eaten by Titans, a motivation she uses in her training every day in order to defeat them. Fukushi is attracted to Lil’s determination, however his feelings are not returned. As the days pass, the pair try to fight their growing feelings, and a fierce battle soon develops.

全球熱賣5000萬+冊 日本新銳漫畫家諫山創成名巨著 進撃の巨人 震撼映畫化 未於戲院上映

地上最強巨人圍城撲殺,人類反擊開始! 《日本沉沒》特技班底 再創頂尖CG「巨」獻

進擊的巨人番外篇#1 - 反擊戰揭幕 (AOT series #1 - The Strike Back Begins) 戰士們正致力為能與巨人戰鬥而進行精密的訓練及武器的研發。有一天, 國家安全部派來了財務總管出(平岡祐太飾),他在這裡遇見了巨人的狂熱 研究者漢吉(石原里美飾)。漢吉經常獨自在研究室裡秘密地進行巨人的研 究,漢吉的行為引起了出的好奇。出偷偷潛入她的研究室,發現一隻巨人 被抓住,藏了在裡面...

進擊的巨人番外篇#2 - 希望之箭 (AOT series #2 - The Arrow of Hope) 擅長箭術的莎夏(櫻庭奈奈美飾)一直過著與同伴們到處狩獵的生活,直至 巨人來襲,眾人失去家園,被逼離開本來居住的村莊。巨人的襲擊過後, 莎夏加入了軍團,成為了新人戰士,每日不眠不休地進行訓練。某夜,一 名可疑的少年引發了事件...

進擊的巨人番外篇#3 - 奔向自由 (AOT#3 - The Departure to Freedom) 福士(渡部秀飾)和莉兒(武田梨奈飾)在新人戰士中特別優秀。莉兒有著 父母被巨人吃掉的悲慘過去,為了能與隨時再來襲的巨人戰鬥、亦為了成 為比任何人更強的戰士,她努力地進行著艱苦的訓練。福士被這樣的莉兒 吸引,對她的感情暗地裡變得愈來愈強。一天,有著不同想法的二人爆發 起衝突,激烈的決鬥隨即展開...