Esacpe From Mogadishu 絕路狂逃 2021 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

Esacpe From Mogadishu 絕路狂逃 2021  (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)


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Esacpe From Mogadishu 絕路狂逃 2021 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

Director : Ryoo Seung Wan
Cast : Jo In Sung, Kim Yoon Seok, Heo Joon Ho, Koo Kyo Hwan 
Language: Korean, English
Subtitles : English ,Traditional Chinese
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Release Date : 2021-12-04
Sound System : Dolby True HD 6.1
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Duration : 121 mins
Publisher : Universe Laser

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Set in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Escape From Mogadishu is based on real events that occurred before South Korea and North Korea were admitted to the United Nations. As civil war breaks out in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia, South Korean embassy personnel struggle to survive day after day in a place with no network. One night, a group of people from the North Korean embassy knock on the door asking for help. From that moment on, they share the same goal – to escape from Mogadishu. Kim Yoon Seok and Jo In Sung star as the ambassador and intelligence officer of the South Korean embassy, while Heo Joon Ho and Koo Kyo Hwan take the corresponding roles of the North Korean embassy.

第 94 屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳國際影片參選作品。囊括第 30 屆韓國釜日電影獎 6 項殊榮,包括最佳影片、最佳男配角-許峻豪、最佳攝影、最佳配樂、最佳劇本及最佳年度男星奬-趙寅成。
2021 年韓國最賣座電影,票房超越 343 億韓元,國際影評一致激讚,權威網站爛番茄評分滿分,被譽為今年夏季最佳動作片之一。

故事背景為 80 年代尾冷戰高峰期,南韓為加入聯合國四出進行游說工作,導致與北韓在非洲爆發外交衝突。1991 年,在南韓駐索馬里大 使館設立三年後,索馬里首都摩加迪沙陷入內戰,全城淪陷,南北韓大使館外交人員被困當地,孤立無援,身處險境。南北韓外交官在外界看起來不共戴天,但在戰火之下,他們都成為了索馬里政府和反政府武裝份子的目標。戰火圍城,逃亡是唯一選擇,兩國人員決定暫時放下分歧,聯手策劃一個史無前例的逃亡行動,過程驚心動魄 ....最後他們能否衝出重圍?

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China