Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零

Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零
Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零

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Late Spring 2015 (Korean Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 春之雕零

Cast :  Park Yong-woo, Kim Seo-hyung, Lee Yoo-young
Director : Cho Keun-hyun
Language: Korean
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 103 mins
Disc Format : DVD
Genres: Drama
Format : NTSC
Screen Format :  16:9 Widescreen 
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Release Date : 2019-11-15
Set in the 1960's. Joo-Goo (Park Yong-Woo) is viewed as Korea's best sculptor, but he suffers from a disease which will paralyze his body slowly. He gives up interests in the arts and just spends his days meaninglessly. His wife, Jung-Sook (Kim Seo-Hyung), tries to find a nude model for him, hoping the model might inspire to sculpt again. One day, the wife meets Min-Gyung (Lee Yoo-Young)

在1969年,知名天才雕刻家金俊救(樸勇宇 飾)得了絕 症,最終會癱瘓。心灰意冷的他決定終結自己的藝術事業, 和太太貞淑(金瑞亨-飾)回到家鄉靜養,俊救表現得若無其 事,但貞淑還是將丈夫的落寞看在眼裡。一天,在發放糧食 時,貞淑看見了身材勻稱的年輕媽媽李敏敬(李宥英-飾),便 生了找敏敬做裸體模特兒的念頭,貞淑想藉由敏敬讓俊救突 破疾病帶來的苦悶,重拾雕刻刀與對生命的熱誠。年輕貌美 的敏敬為俊救帶來了靈感,敏敬也從俊救身上學到了許多她 從未看過的事物。就在作品即將完成之際,敏敬的丈夫意外 發現妻子在當裸體模特兒…..