Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)

Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)
Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD with English Subtitles (Region A)


Availability: 1 in stock

Police Story Series 警察故事系列 (3 x BLU-RAY) Ultra HD  with English Subtitles (Region A)

Cast: Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Brigitte Lin, Michelle Yeoh
Director : Jackie Chan, Stanley Tong
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD 
Sound System : Dolby True HD 7.1
Duration : 320  mins
Release Date : 2010-02-04
Publisher : Kam & Ronson 

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


1. Police Story (Blu-ray) (1985)
Synopsis 100 minutes :
A seminal film even in Jackie Chan's incredibly action-packed filmography, Police Story redefined action films with its undeniably creative and exquisitely choreographed mayhem. Unbelievable stunts and breathtaking set-pieces set the tone in this award-winning film, which earned a Best Picture award at the 5th Annual Hong Kong Film Awards. Action to watch for includes an amazing car chase through a hillside shantytown, a stunt- filled chase with Jackie Chan hanging onto a bus with only an umbrella, and a simply mind- blowing finale in a shopping center, which could qualify as a world record for collateral damage via punches, kicks, or people simply falling through glass. All the above, plus Jackie Chan's generous comic persona, are present and accounted for in Police Story!

2. Police Story II (Blu-ray) (1988)
Synopsis 121 minutes :
Despite his one-man effort in nabbing the bad guys in the first film, all Ka-Kui earns is a humiliating demotion to traffic duty, not to mention constant harassment from the vengeful mobster he puts out of business. He decides to take a vacation with his girlfriend May (by Maggie Cheung). However, when terrorists threaten Hong Kong, he has to abort his vacation plans and track down the suspects. During the process, May becomes their kidnap target. Ka-Kui confronts his adversaries to save his girl - and the day.

3. Police Story III Super Cop (Blu-ray) (1992)
Synopsis 96 minutes :
In this third installment, Chan reprises his role as maverick detective Chan Ka-Kui. He is recruited by Interpol to infiltrate the operations of a drug lord. He teams up with Michelle Yeoh, who plays a tough butt-kicking mainland Chinese cop. Together, the pair are forced to survive with their wits, courage and skills during the most dangerous mission of their careers.

《警察故事》被視為成龍的關鍵代表作,也是香港動作 喜劇 的里程碑。警方在一次圍剿行動中拘捕大毒梟朱滔(楚原 飾),並 派特警家駒(成龍 飾)保護其秘書莎蓮娜(林青霞 飾),要 她出庭 作證人。怎料在上庭前莎蓮娜突然失蹤,令到指控朱滔證據 不 足,其當庭釋放。朱滔蜼然被釋放,但卻對家駒懷恨在心, 遂設 計嫁禍殺死同僚,令他成為通緝犯。莎蓮娜洞悉朱滔不擇手 段的 為人,遂偷取其罪證以求自保,但反被追殺;家駒既要逃避 警方 追捕,又要保護莎及證物的安全以揭發朱滔奸計,分身乏 術。後 更要與朱滔手下激戰……

2. 警察故事續集 (藍光碟) Police Story II (Blu- ray) (1988)
故事大綱121分鐘 :
重案組探員家駒(成龍 飾)在上次執勤之後被調往交通 部工 作,可謂兵無用武之地。後重遇大毒梟朱滔,其出言恐嚇挑 釁, 他被迫出手打人,在上頭責怪的情況下憤然辭職。正要與女 友 May(張曼玉 飾)到外國散心之際,一宗爆炸案又召了家駒 歸隊去 偵查。在查的過程當中他發覺狂徒把茅頭直指警方。後狂徒 還綁 架了May,捉了家駒,要他縛上炸彈前往警局收取贖款,並 要殺 May滅口,家駒拼死相…

3. 警察故事3之超級警察 (藍光碟) Police Story III Super Cop (Blu-ray) (1992)
故事大綱96分鐘 :
特警家駒(成龍 飾)潛入內地監獄當臥底以搏取軍火走 私要 犯豹強信任,在公安楊建華(楊紫瓊 飾)的協助下他得與豹 強成 功 逃獄。後他與楊建華假扮成豹強的同鄉,以矯捷身手得 到豹 強 的 賞識。後與豹強等人到了吉隆坡卻巧遇自己的女友 May(張曼 玉 飾),May懷疑他與楊建華有戀情而發生爭執,豹強見 狀,當 場揭 穿駒臥底的身份,雙方爆發激鬥……本片被譽為《警察 故事》 系列 最巔峰之作,當中的特技場面亦是成龍最滿意的一 部

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China