Love is Blind, Hate Too 致命24小時 (HK Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Love is Blind, Hate Too 致命24小時 (HK Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Love is Blind, Hate Too 致命24小時 (HK Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Love is Blind, Hate Too 致命24小時 (HK Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Love is Blind, Hate Too 致命24小時 (HK Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free)


Availability: 3 in stock

Love is Blind, Hate Too 致命24小時 (HK Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Cast: Ron Ng, Kathy Yuen, Poon Chan Leung
Director :  Patrick Kong
Language :
Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format :
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Duration : 88 mins
Release Year : 2023
Publisher : VICOL Entertainment

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


After losing 90% of her vision in a car accident, Bo (Kathy YUEN) has adapting to a new life as a blind woman. While her husband is away on a business trip, a stranger enters her home and takes her hostage. As the invader puts her through a series of mental and psychological torture, Bo must rely on her wits to survive.


作家阿寶(湯怡 飾)與醫生丈夫楊耀華(吳卓羲 飾)過著完美夫妻的生活。但一年前阿寶在深夜替丈夫把病歷送到醫院時遇上嚴重車禍後失去視力… 意外後,阿寶極力適應失明生活並繼續寫作。某日,楊醫生要出差把阿寶獨留家中兩天。此時,不速之客鄭文迪(潘燦良 飾)卻上門要找楊醫生。得悉只有阿寶一人在家,鄭文迪潛入楊宅貼身暗窺阿寶一舉一動,將她玩弄於股掌之中 — 原來文迪和楊醫生有着血海深仇,豪宅之內,盲女與變態男,廝殺24小時!但看似一場貓捉老鼠的凌虐遊戲背後,更兇猛的野獸其實卻在暗角虎視眈眈…