Beyond's Diary 莫欺少年窮 1981 Remastered (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)

Beyond's Diary 莫欺少年窮 1981 Remastered (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)
Beyond's Diary 莫欺少年窮 1981 Remastered (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)
Beyond's Diary 莫欺少年窮 1981 Remastered (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)
Beyond's Diary 莫欺少年窮 1981 Remastered (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)


Availability: 3 in stock

Beyond's Diary 莫欺少年窮 1981 Remastered (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)

Director : Sung Ho Fai
Cast : Wong Ka Kui, Yip Sai Wing, Wong Koon Chung, Wong Ka Keung
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby True HD
Duration : 96 mins
Release Date : 2019-03-22
Publisher : Panorama (HK)

Synopsis :

Kui (Wong Ka Kui), Keung (Steve Wong), Chung (Paul Wong), and Wing (Wing Yip) are four buddies who are all very enthusiastic about music. Together they form a band called Beyond. In order to fulfill his family's emigration dream, Kui works round the clock to earn money and exhausts himself to sickness. Keung wants to build a successful career, but only finds himself being framed by his boss. Chung's childhood dream was to become a police officer, but he is rejected due to his weak body. Wing wants to study music at Hong Kong University, but his girlfriend (Faye Wong) and her parents pressure him into medicine. Can they find their ways again through friendship and music?

吳駒(黃家駒 飾)、陳志強(黃家強 飾)、譚貫中(黃貫中 飾)與林世榮(葉世榮 飾)四人為好友,熱愛音樂,並成立了Beyond樂隊,但各人也有另外的夢想。
駒希望能舉家移民而搏命搵錢,可惜最後因為過勞病倒,移民夢碎;強事業心重,但誤入金融公司,更被上司設局陷害;中志願成為警察,但因體弱未能如願。輾轉間,他最後加入了ICAC;而榮的夢想是入讀香港大學音樂系,但女友(王菲 飾)爸爸不斷施壓,最終選擇了醫科。四人最終能否衝破枷鎖,勇敢追夢呢?


Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China