Brotherhood of Blades : The Infernal Battlefield 繡春刀 2: 修羅戰場 2017 (Hong Kong Movie) 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray with English Sub (Region A)

Brotherhood of Blades : The Infernal Battlefield  繡春刀 2: 修羅戰場 2017 (Hong Kong Movie) 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray with English Sub (Region A)
Brotherhood of Blades : The Infernal Battlefield  繡春刀 2: 修羅戰場 2017 (Hong Kong Movie) 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray with English Sub (Region A)
Brotherhood of Blades : The Infernal Battlefield  繡春刀 2: 修羅戰場 2017 (Hong Kong Movie) 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray with English Sub (Region A)
Brotherhood of Blades : The Infernal Battlefield  繡春刀 2: 修羅戰場 2017 (Hong Kong Movie) 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

Brotherhood of Blades : The Infernal Battlefield  繡春刀 2: 修羅戰場 2017 (Hong Kong Movie) 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Chang Chen ,Mini Yang , Zhang Yi , Lei Jia Yin 
Director : Lu Yang
Language :  Mandarin , Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese ,Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 4K Ultra HD
Sound System :  Dolby True HD 
Duration : 120 mins
Release Year : 2019-07-04

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


明天啟七年,皇帝病重,司禮監太監魏忠賢(金士傑飾)權傾朝野,排除異己,政治氣氛陷入到前所未有的黑暗。在抓捕逆黨畫師北齋(楊冪 飾)的行動中,一向忠誠的北鎮撫司錦衣衛沈煉(張震 飾),竟在一番猶豫後決定救下北齋,因此與同僚發生衝突,不慎將其誤殺,北齋趁機脫逃。正當沈煉疲於掩\誚P僚之死時,一個神秘組織找到沈煉,要脅沈煉做出背叛朝廷之事。南鎮撫司錦衣衛裴綸(雷佳音飾),受命追查並處處針對沈煉。沈煉與北齋在逃亡的過程中,萌生情愫,最後在重重壓力下,沈煉、北齋、裴綸決定聯手追查真相,卻發覺自己已成為政治鬥爭的棋子,命懸一線…

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China