The Point Men 24小時救參行動 2023 (Korean Movie) Blu-ray ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION A)

The Point Men 24小時救參行動 2023 (Korean Movie) Blu-ray ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION A)
The Point Men 24小時救參行動 2023 (Korean Movie) Blu-ray ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION A)
The Point Men 24小時救參行動 2023 (Korean Movie) Blu-ray ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION A)
The Point Men 24小時救參行動 2023 (Korean Movie) Blu-ray ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION A)


Availability: 6 in stock

The Point Men 24小時救參行動 2023 (Korean Movie) Blu-ray ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION A)

Cast : Hwang Jung Min, Hyun Bin, Lee Seung Chul
Director : Yim Soon Rye
Language : Korean
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-ray
Screen Format : Widescreen
Screen Format : 1080p AVC

Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 108 mins
Release Year : 2023
Publisher : EDKO

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


* Special Features:
- Trailer
- Behind-the-Scene
- Photo Gallery

A group of Korean tourists is taken hostage by an extremist Taliban group in Afghanistan. The Korean government dispatches Jae-ho (HWANG Jung-min), known as one of Korea’s most skilled diplomats, in order to handle the situation. Once he arrives, he asks for the Afghan government’s cooperation and uses every means possible to free the hostages. However, his efforts go in vain. Due to his failure, he’s forced to work with Dae-sik (HYUN Bin), a special agent who is an expert on the Middle East. As they begin making their move to get to the Taliban, the first hostage death occurs. With nowhere else to turn, the two become unlikely allies in a race against time to save the rest of the hostages

青龍影帝《軍艦島》黃晸玟 X 國民男神《愛的迫降》玄彬首度聯手打出2023最強動作鉅獻
23名人質處決在即  24小時塔利班最後通牒
轟動全球救參諜戰 智取力敵每一秒!

國民男神《愛的迫降》玄彬聯手青龍影帝《軍艦島》黃晸玟,引爆最驚心動魄動作鉅獻,真實改編2007年轟動全球特工救參諜戰!23名韓國國民於阿富汗遭塔利班恐怖組織挾持,擅長談判的韓國外交官在昊(黃晸玟 飾)前往阿富汗營救,並於當地遇上國家情報院特工戴直(玄彬 飾)。恐怖組織發出24小時死亡通牒,人質被逐一殘殺,談判對象和條件每刻在變,到底要如何智取力敵每一秒?精通局勢的外交官與善於攻堅的特工,二人立場和手段迥異,但目標堅定一致要救出人質,完成最不可能的救參任務!


Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China.