Death Stranding 困獸 2023 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Death Stranding 困獸 2023 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Death Stranding 困獸 2023 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Death Stranding 困獸 2023 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Death Stranding 困獸 2023 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)


Availability: 4 in stock

Death Stranding 困獸 2023 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Director : Danny Pang
Cast : Wallace Chung, Francis Ng, Eddie Cheung
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Screen Format : 1920 X 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 98 mins
Release Date : 2024-03-10
Publisher : CN Entertainment HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


After Yan (Chen Baoyuan), the Chairman of the Gaming Association, blacklists Huasen Group from bidding for a gaming license, Huasen boss Wu Xin (Eddie Cheung) promptly takes action to compete for gaming rights. The police receive notice that Yan has been kidnapped, and inspector Jiang Wenfeng (Wallace Chung) is put on the case. Jiang makes contact with his ex-girlfriend and Wu Xin's current wife, Julie (Myolie Wu). Meanwhile, Zuo Junzhe (Francis Ng), a former police and now director of the gaming inspection bureau, approaches Jiang and warns him to stop investigating Huasen. Wu Xin's henchmen also follow Jiang to ambush him.

博彩協會會長嚴正陽將華森集團列入賭權競投黑名單,此舉令四爺(張兆輝 飾)實施一系列爭奪賭權行動的導火線。警方隨後接到嚴 正陽被擄,反黑主管李瑞明連同早前潛伏於泰國的文峰(鍾漢良 飾)更成立調查組專查相關案件。四爺太太朱莉(胡杏兒 飾)接到前男友文峰的電話並相約見面。另一邊,文峰亦受到博彩協會理事君哲(吳鎮宇 飾)相約,並直接勸他收手不要調查華森,最終兩人不歡而散。原來四爺的手下跟蹤君哲,想除掉文峰以絕後患。文峰得隊員掩護最終脫險。朱莉被四爺識破放在茶壺內的竊聽器,被四爺利用來威脅文峰。沒想到,朱莉犧牲了自己,文峰趁亂跳入江中逃脫…