Once Upon A Time In China And America DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)

Once Upon A Time In China And America DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)
Once Upon A Time In China And America DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)
Once Upon A Time In China And America DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)
Once Upon A Time In China And America DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)


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Once Upon A Time In China And America DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)

Cast : Jet LI, Rosamund Kwan 
Director : Tsui Hark
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : Letterbox 
Sound System : Dolby Digial 
Duration : 96 mins
Release Date : 2015-05-29


In early 20th century, Master Wong Fei Hung (Jet Li) teaches martial arts at his Po Chi Lam clinic in Guangzhou. One of his disciples Bucktooth So (Chan Kwok Pong) has established a branch in San Francisco to promote kung fu in the West. Together with 13th Aunt (Rosamund Kwan) and disciple Clubfoot Seven (Xiong Xinxin), Wong travels overseas to visit So, but an accident upon their arrival in America culminates in Wong falling down the canyon and losing his memory. Rescued by a Native American tribe, Wong is eventually reunited with his compatriots in a town ruled by a treacherous sheriff who has ties with ruthless Mexican bandits. There, the Master vows to help the oppressed Chinese laborers and punish the bad guys the only way he knows how...

清末民初; 廣東省民團教頭黃飛鴻在廣州設立寶芝林館, 與一班弟子鋤強扶弱, 發揚中華武術. 其精通英語的弟子牙刷蘇亦於舊金山開分館, 遂將中華國術發揚海外, 鴻決定與十三姨及弟子鬼腳七遠赴舊金山視察分館業務並順道探望蘇. 初抵西域, 便發生意外, 鴻為救十三姨而墮下峽谷, 我去記憶, 及後被紅番飛鷹族所救, 與族人在草原上過著遊牧生活. 另方面十三姨, 阿七及阿蘇四出找尋鴻的下落, 在一次飛鷹族與紅毛族的戰鬥中, 鴻在危急關頭重拾記憶, 大顯身手, 擊退紅毛族, 成為大英雄, 而鴻亦離開紅番區, 往鎮上與十三姨等人會合. 此時, 兇悍的墨西哥馬七金剛殺到, 準備血洗小鎮, 鴻為了在鎮內的中國同胞, 憤而出手, 以中國武術大戰西域槍手, 究竟最後誰勝誰負呢?