The Allure Of Tears 傾城之淚 2011 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

The Allure Of Tears 傾城之淚 2011  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
The Allure Of Tears 傾城之淚 2011  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
The Allure Of Tears 傾城之淚 2011  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
The Allure Of Tears 傾城之淚 2011  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)


Availability: 3 in stock

The Allure Of Tears 傾城之淚 2011 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Cast: Gigi Leung, Richie Jen, Aarif Rahman, Joe Chen 
Director : Wong Chun-Chun
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Wide Screen
Sound System : dts HD MA 5.1
Duration : 124 mins
Release Date : 2012-05-18
Publisher : Panorama HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


The romance film by Bartara Wong tells three touching love stories which are named the “three teardrops”, Each story portrayed by different actors explores the hidden emotions, confusion and desire of today’s young people. First Teardrop: a beautiful and cheerful girl suffering from bore cancer (Zhou Dong Yu) gives hope to another patient who used to be a cynical and pessimistic second generation rich (Aarif Lee). He is getting well due to her encouragement yet their love is destined to be tragic… Second Teardrop: In order to save the music academy from bankruptcy, ex-student Din (Richie Ren) tries to convince the internationally renowned violinist Yang Lin (Gigi Leung) to perform for a fund-raising concert Din, who used to has a strong sentiment towards Yang, now finally understand the reason behind her sudden withdrawal from the music scene. Third Teardrop: working class couple Sheng (Shawn Dou) and Cai (Joe Chen) are forced to separate in order to pursuit a better future through hard work. After three years, Sheng returns with fortune to marry Cai. However, their happiness vanishes miserably when it is just within reach.

第一滴淚一對年輕的癌症病人,在有限的生命中追趕無限的愛性格樂天的犀利妹(周冬雨飾)在療養院治癌期間遇上同樣患癌,玩世不恭的富二代游樂(李治廷飾)。犀利妹的熱情打開了游樂的心扉,令游樂不但開始以積極的態度面對癌症,更令游樂愛上了她。可惜,這段本應充滿熱血激情的戀愛,卻因命運擺佈,使愛情在開始時已註定不能廝守到最後。 第二滴淚一群已畢業多年的音樂學生,在仍未太遲之前,選擇追回青春,追回夢想 為了拯救面臨破產的母校,亦為了把握最後機會去實現年輕時夢想,丁大可(任賢齊飾)跟一眾三尖八角的舊同學,誓要邀請到於三年前突然隱退的國際知名小提琴家,同時亦是他們的舊同學楊琳(梁詠琪飾)復出,跟他們舉辦一場音樂會,為母校籌款。但他們卻萬萬想不到楊琳當年隱退的原因,竟然是因為她曾經出意外,令耳朵再也聽不見聲音了。一個已經聽不到音樂的小提琴家跟一眾光怪陸離的中年漢,為了夢想,將 排除萬難實現一個不可能的任務。第三滴淚一對年輕戀人為了幸福,放棄了很多重要的東西。然而,最後幸福卻放棄了他們。 陳昇(竇驍飾)和張彩(陳喬恩飾),一對平常的戀人,貧窮,卻快樂。他們只有一個心願,就是一起到人稱“天堂之鏡”的烏龍尼鹽湖。為了這個心願,也為了他們的將來,張彩忍痛迫走陳昇,要他往外闖,要他出人頭地。二人從此相隔兩地,但距離並沒有把愛沖淡,反而令他們更加認定對方就是命中註定的那人。相思三年後,陳昇終於兌現了承諾,衣錦還鄉迎娶張彩,可惜就在他們以為抓緊了幸福的那一刻,幸福卻捨他們而去。