The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)

The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)
The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)


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The House of Magic 魔法之家 2013 (3D+2D) BLU-RAY (Region A)

Director : Ben Stassen
Language: English, French
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : 3D+ 2D
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Duration : 75 mins
Release Date : 2018-03-23
Publisher : Panorama (HK)

Synopsis :

Thunder And The House Of Magic tells the story of Thunder, an abandoned young cat who stumbles into an old mansion operated by a dazzling array of automatons and gizmos. Owned by a retired magician, the house is occupied by an assortment of his wacky assistants who don't all welcome the new house guest. But when the magician lands in the hospital and his scheming nephew puts the mansion up for sale, our young hero and his new family join forces to save their House Of Magic.

一隻被遺棄的小貓誤打誤撞闖入一幢神秘別墅,別墅主 人勞倫斯是一位退休魔術師,他收養了小貓並為牠取名 「Thunder」。不久,Thunder 就和別墅裡其他得意可愛的 機械人打成一片,就在這間彷彿被施了魔法的別墅裡愉快地 生活。但是,就在勞倫斯住院期間,他的侄子企圖偷偷賣掉 別墅。Thunder 想到了一個好辦法:把這幢別墅變成鬼 屋!小伙伴們於是齊心協力守護家園…

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China