Listen Before You Sing 聽見歌再唱 2021 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Listen Before You Sing 聽見歌再唱 2021 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Cast: : Umin Boya, Ella Chan, Chloe Huang
Director : George Chen,
Language : Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese,
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 114 mins
Release Date : 2022-06-01
Publisher : Panorama HK
Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER
An elementary school located on the deep mountain is facing a crisis of being abolished due to population migration. The PE teacher (Umin Boya) is assigned to form a choir, and to win the national choir contest in order to solve such crisis. With limited resource and absolutely no music background, the PE teacher and a group of tone-deaf students start to prepare for the contest. On the contest day, the students hear other choir singing, they refuse to get onto the stage because they believe their voice is different therefore is wrong. The PE teacher has to lure the students to finish the contest. They do not win any place, but still get big applause from the audience. For the students from a small school, the applause from thousands of audience create a huge impact on them, which get the teacher to think if he can use choir to change the depressing situation of this school.
一個不懂五線譜的體育老師方雅各 (馬志翔 飾) ,被校長指派擔任合唱團 的 指 揮,期望他帶領一群五音不全的原住民孩子在三個月後的合唱比賽上得到優異名 次, 才 有機會解決被廢校的危機……可是無論他們如何苦練,到比賽當天依然感到格格不 入, 信 心蕩然無存,更落敗收場。但這卻令方雅各明白到原住民孩子是與別不同的,他 們 不 必 隨波逐流,不必模仿別人的聲音。在代課音樂老師黃韻芬 (陳嘉樺 Ella 飾) 的 協 助 下,二人激發孩子們勇敢地面對自己的不同,自信地在台上唱出自己真正的聲 音。
Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.
Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.
Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China