Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 2022 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 2022  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 2022  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 2022  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 2022  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)


$29.50 USD 
Availability: 4 in stock

Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 2022 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Cast: : Donnie Yen, Chen Yuqi, Kara Wai
Director : Donnie Yen
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby ATMOS 
Duration : 131 mins
Release Date : 2023-03-10
Publisher : CN Entertainment

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


As a baby, Khitan-born Qiao Feng loses his parents and is sent to be raised by a couple from the Song Empire, which is at war with the Khitan-led Liao Empire. He grows up and becomes the powerful chief of the Beggars' Sect, utilizing martial arts in battles…..

《天龍八部之喬峰傳》講述北宋年間,丐幫幫主喬峰 (甄子丹 飾) 英雄俠義,受武林擁戴,卻突遭指認爲契丹人而衆叛親離。追尋身世,尋找仇人途中,喬峰與慕容家婢女阿朱 (陳鈺琪 飾) 相識相知,情愫互生。二人歷經聚賢莊、雁門關、鏡湖風波,直至阿朱因馬夫人 (王君馨 飾) 設計被喬峰錯殺,喬峰終查出一切皆是慕容復 (吳樾 飾) 爲復辟燕國的陰謀,喬峰憤而找上慕容復,誓要為阿朱報仇….