Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子

Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子
Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (JapaneseMovie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子


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Wolf Girl and Black Prince 2015 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼少女與黑王子

Director : Hiroki Ryuichi
Cast : Nikaido Fumi, Yamazaki Kento
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 116 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digial 5.1
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Release Date : 2013-10-31
Publisher : Deltamac (H.K)


Erika Shinohara is a first year of high school student. While talking to friends, she makes up a story about her "boyfriend." In reality, Erika Shinohara doesn't have a boyfriend. Erika's friends soon begin to doubt her story and Erika is also running out of lies. Erika then sees a pretty boy on the street and takes his picture discreetly. She later shows his picture to her friends as her boyfriend. The boy in the picture is Kyouya Sata and happens to attend the same school as Erika. She tells Kyouya about her situation and asks him to be her pretend boyfriend. Even though Kyouya has a pretty appearance, he has a dark side.

十六年來不曾交過男朋友的高一女生篠原繪里香,是個 跟有豐富戀愛經驗的友人吹噓自己有男友的「狼少女」。被 友人懷疑的繪里香覺得謊言快要被戳破的時候,在街頭偶然 偷拍到一個美型男 ,於是把這張照片的男生當成是與自己 熱戀中的男友向同學炫耀。但沒想到對方竟然是同校被人稱 為「王子」的佐田恭也!繪里香情急之下告知恭也真相,央 求之下恭也亦答應假扮成她的男友。但這位「王子」看似溫 柔體貼的外表下,隱藏著腹黑及虐待狂的一面,繪里香要對 恭也「絕對服從」!面對平時發言目中無人,有危險時卻會 出手相助、偶爾溫柔的「黑王子」恭也,繪里香日漸對他產 生好感…