Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)

Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)


Availability: 3 in stock

Dawn of the Felines 雌貓們之夜 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)

Cast : Ibata Juri, Michie, Maue Satsuki, Kaku Tomohiro
Director : Shiraishi Kazuya
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1 
Duration : 85 mins
Release Year : 2018
Publisher : EDKO Films

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


A story of three escort girls living under the sky in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. They work at same escort service while feeling lonely in their urban life. Masako is a heavy debtor. Takada, her important customer, is out of employment and socially withdrawn. Rie, a housewife, handles an old widower Kaneda. Yui is a single mom with two kids, but she’s into a young guy and comes to neglect her children. Enormously negative emotions such as dislike, hate and quarrel swirl, while women find paradox love and vitality essential to life by heading to anywhere but here. Shiraishi Kazuya joins Roman Porno Reboot project with a documentary-like film, satirizing women in poverty, which is currently a social problem in Japan. Official selection of International Film Festival Rotterdam.

《凶惡》名氣導演 白石和彌 鹿特丹國際電影節參展作品
片刻歡愉 交換半點溫暖
在池袋街頭 日與夜 跟生活博鬥

三個應召 女郎徘徊在池袋街頭﹐每晚為不同顧客提供服務。然而下班後﹐她們只是網吧難民、單親媽媽、不育女人﹐各有各的難言之苦。為紀念日活羅曼情 色電影45周年﹐《凶惡》導演白石和彌向當年同名電影致敬﹐以都市的冷漠疏離作襯托﹐展示現代女性堅強求生的面貌。昔日羅曼電影的女主角白川和子更出山客串﹐飾演SM俱樂部的媽媽生。本片為鹿特丹國際電影節參展作品。