This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)

This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)

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This Is Not What I Expected 2017 喜歡你. 食住你 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) romance

Director : Zhu Yung Yu
Cast : Takeshi Kanseshiro, Zhou Dongyu 金城武 周冬雨
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Duration : 106 mins
Sound System : Dolby Digital EX
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Publisher : Edko Film (H.K)
Release Date : 2017-08-25       


Does difference breed contempt or fondness? The Lu family motto is ‘Being loathed leads to solitude and solitude keeps the mind clear.’ Callous and eccentric Lu Jin, President of an international hotel group, is every bit the man one loves to hate. Gu Shengnan, sous chef of Rosebud Hotel, is no more a social darling than him - confused, careless and unkempt, she is hardly what most men consider an object of desire. Lu Jin checks into a hotel to conduct acquisition research. He is dissatisfied with everything he sees, but a last-minute dish whipped by Gu Shengnan blows his mind. He starts ordering dishes from her and she starts cooking for him. The two don’t meet in person but they share a mutual appreciation for each other. Yet in reality, they’re arch-rivals whose every encounter is a catastrophe, until their identities are revealed by accident... In the tug-of-war between contempt and fondness, which side will win?


性格怪異、處處吹毛求疵的跨國總裁路晉(金城武 飾),意外遇上邋遢、莽撞的瑰蕾酒店天才廚師顧勝男(周冬雨 飾),二人的生命竟因美食而拉近。他們在不知對方是誰的情況下,隔空以菜式交流、味覺傳情,一個煮得刁鑽,一個食得挑剔;兩人惺惺相惜,漸漸視對方為知己。然而現實裡,他們卻是彼此的剋星,每次相遇都鬧得翻天覆地、雞飛狗走,直到一次意外,將兩人身份戳穿 …這對性格迥異的歡喜冤家,最後會食得住對方,譜出美味情緣嗎?