The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳1993 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳1993 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳1993 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳1993 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳1993 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

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The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳1993 (Hong Kong) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Cast : Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsa, Leslie Cheung, Francis Ng
Director : Ronny Yu
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Duration : 90 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Publisher : CN Entertainment
Release Date : 2019-08-21

Zhuo Yihang was raised by Taoist Ziyang of the Wudang Sect and groomed to be a chivalrous swordsman. He is tasked with leading a coalition force formed by the eight major orthodox martial arts sects to counter an evil cult.
During a battle against the cult, Zhuo Yihang meets a young woman, Lian Nichang, and falls in love with her. She is an orphan and was raised by wolves as an infant before being adopted by Ji Wushuang, the conjoined twins who lead the cult. After consummating their romance, Lian Nichang decides to leave the cult and follow Zhuo Yihang in pursuit of an ordinary life away from the martial artists' community.
Lian Nichang succeeds in leaving the cult after suffering great pains. Meanwhile, Zhuo Yihang returns to Wudang and is horrified to see that his fellows have been murdered. The coalition members believe that Lian Nichang is responsible so they attack her when she arrives to meet Zhuo Yihang. Zhuo Yihang is forced to turn against Lian Nichang.
Devastated by her lover's betrayal, Lian Nichang morphs into a vicious white-haired killer and slays all the coalition members present. Suddenly, Ji Wushuang appears and reveals that he/she is actually the one who killed the Wudang members. Zhuo Yihang and Lian Nichang join forces to defeat and kill Ji Wushuang. However, even after the victory, Lian Nichang vows never to forgive Zhuo Yihang for betraying her and walks away while he looks on helplessly.
In a brief epilogue set years later, Zhuo Yihang is alone in a remote mountain region guarding a rare flower that is said to bloom only once every several decades and has the ability to reverse the effects of ageing (turning white hair back to dark). Believing that it can cure the harm he has inflicted on Lian Nichang, he awaits for the return of his loved one and hopes that she will show up....

白髮魔女傳絕對是香港文壇一朵武俠奇葩,是一個江湖 奇女子不朽的愛情故事。緣起於中國明朝未年----武當山。 武當少俠卓一航天資過人,乃武林難得一見之奇才,深得掌 門人紫陽真人鍾愛,但卓生性反叛,經常惹禍,一次更偷闖 塞外遊玩,誤入魔教禁地,並遭狼群襲擊,幸得一長髮少女 以一闕民歌解圍,卓從此倩影難忘。時光飛逝,卓長大成 人,更顯個人才智,但為人卻更跳脫不羈,視世族規條如無 物。時值國勢日衰,女真族金國努兒哈赤對大明江山虎視耽 耽,魔教教主姬無雙亦野心一統中原武林,一時間,江湖各 勢力紛紛蠢動。武當四大長老好大喜功,圖先發制人,逐與 各派聯手偷襲魔教,豈料中途一長髮女子突然出現,力挫各 派高手,群雄鍛羽而回。卓請纓追查伊人來歷,在塞外一客 棧內,兩人終於邂逅,卓顛倒於女郎詭艷風采,追蹤至桃花 池,終窺得伊人真面目,驚為天人,兩人四目交投,種下情 根。原來長髮女郎正是魔教中艷名遠播的魔女…..