Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)

Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)
Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)


Availability: 2 in stock

Curse of The Deserted 荒村公寓 2010 Horror Movie (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region Free)

Director : Law Chi Leung
Cast : Shawn Yue, Kitty Zhang
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Release Date : 2010-10-08
Duration : 96 mins
Disc Format : Blu ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1 dts master audio 6.1 HD
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Publisher : Panorama (HK)  horror

Usually ships within 4 days with TRACKING NUMBER 

Synopsis :

Young writer Guo (Shawn Yue) wrote about a titular curse in his book, "The Deserted Village". It began 500 years ago in the Ming Dynasty, when one of the villagers died of terminal illness. The widow Yanzi vowed to stay with her husband forever but when the man suddently returned to life, the gorrified neighbours believed that he was a monster. They burned him to death and torched his mansion. The devastated Yanzi upheld her vow and threw herself into the fire. Since then, the village was cursed and the mansion subsequent inhabitant dies mysteriously. Some say only couples who share true love can survive in that village. Those who are unfaithful will come to their demise. To the world, the book was pure fiction. Only Guo and his ex-girlfriend Zhi (Kitty Zhang) had lived through the horror to know its existence. When four college students decided to explore the village themselves, the trip led them to an ancient well in Yanzi's mansion, where the curse was unleashed once again.

曾經聽過有一個關於荒村的傳說:「在明朝時,荒村有一對夫婦,丈夫生病死在大宅,他的妻子胭脂曾經立誓會一生一世陪在他身旁。胭脂信守諾言,結果丈夫竟奇舻地醒來,胭脂喜極而泣,告知泷人奇舻出現,但村民覺得她丈夫是妖怪,最後在大宅內把他活活燒死。胭脂?了愛情,亦引火自焚!自此,荒村大宅接連發生怪事,宅人一一死去。後來,只要真誠相愛的戀人進入荒村,便會受到祝福!但虛情假意的人,便會招來不幸,直到死亡!……」,四名大學學生霍強、韓小楓、蘇天平和春雨對郭徑 (余文樂 飾)所寫的小說《荒村》感到非常好奇,他們都被那地方深深吸引。其實荒村及在這地方探險故事,都是郭徑及女友小枝 (張雨綺 飾) 共有的經歷,可是郭卻用這事來出書。郭徑推說荒村只是虛構,四人仍不理一切尋根究底,乘火車來到疑似荒村之地,並找到大宅後一口井, 離奇事開始發生……

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