At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)

At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)
At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

At Cafe 6 六弄咖啡館 2016 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY & BONUS DVD with English Sub (Region A)

Director : Neal Wu
Cast : Dong Zijian, Cherry Ngan, Austin Lin,
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Duration : 103 mins
Disc Format : Blu ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen 2.38:1
Release Date : 2016-11-15
Publisher : Kam & Ronson Enterprises Co Ltd

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER

Synopsis :

It is a film about youth, love and friendship. Miss Liang’s car broke down after work in a rainy night. The coffee shop owner helps her and invites her to his shop called café 6. When he knows Miss Liang has a fight with her long-distance boyfriend, he shares the story that happened in the summer of 1996. At that time, Min-lu Guan and his good friend Bo-zhi Xiao always hang out together. Lu is secretly in love with Xin-rui Li. And Bo-zhi Xiao loves Xin-rui’s best friend, Xin-yi Cai. They share the shining young day together. However, they need to face reality after high school graduation, can they still keep relationship forever?

一個滂沱大雨的夜晚,六弄咖啡館老闆得知梁小姐與男 友,因分隔兩地吵架而冷戰後,向她娓娓道來自己年輕時遭 遇過的相似經歷。那是1996年,就讀高中的關閔綠(董子 健)和死黨蕭柏智(林柏宏)常玩在一起,小綠偷偷單戀著 品學兼優的同班同學李心蕊(顏卓靈),唯她身邊總出現著 另一女生蔡心怡(歐陽妮妮),讓他只能偷偷把這份愛意藏 在心底。柏智對心怡也有好感,兩兄弟於是約好互相扶持, 誓要幫對方把女孩追到手,只是目標尚沒達成,發現同班的 宋依人(宋伊人)一直單戀著小綠,彼此關係變得複雜起 來。升上大學後,各自四散到台灣的不同地方念書,友情和 愛情,能否不因時間和距離的拉遠而改變?咖啡店老闆口中 的這段塵封往事,有沒有快樂結局?故事背後似乎還有更多 老闆沒說出口的,梁小姐更慢慢發現,這座咖啡店的地址原 來不在六弄,那個店名又隱藏著甚麼秘密……

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China