Destiny:The Tale of Kamakura 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Destiny:The Tale of Kamakura 2017 (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Destiny:The Tale of Kamakura 2017 (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Destiny:The Tale of Kamakura 2017 (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
Destiny:The Tale of Kamakura 2017 (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


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Destiny:The Tale of Kamakura 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Cast : Hanzawa Naoki, Takahata Mitsuki, Sakura Ando
Director : Takashi Yamazaki
Language: Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 124 mins
Disc Format : Widescreen
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital
Screen Format : 1080p AVC 2.39:1
Release Date : 2018-08-31

Director Takeshi Yamazaki teams up with manga maestro Ryohei Saigan for this live action tale of a quirky couple who live in a Japanese town full of supernatural creatures and spirits

Synopsis :

When young Akiko marries mystery author Masakazu Isshiki and moves in with him in Kamakura, her way of life becomes a constant source of amazement. A simple stroll through the streets brings her into contact with supernatural creatures such as spirits, goblins, ghosts, and not-grim-at-all reapers. As Akiko learns very quickly, Kamakura is a place where humans and non-humans live side-by-side in harmony. One morning, Masakazu awakes to find that Akiko has disappeared. The only trace of her is a loving letter to her husband... It seems that Akiko has met an unfortunate accident, died, and departed for the netherworld. Upon losing his wife, Masakazu realizes for the first time how much he loves her. To bring Akiko back to life, he decides to journey to the netherworld himself. What awaits Masakazu there are the supernatural creatures who took away his wife, and someone else he recognizes... At last, the destiny of the desperate Isshikis will reveal itself.

《寄生獸》金像導演山崎貴最新奇幻鉅獻,邀得《半澤直樹》堺雅人、人氣女星高畑充希、影后安藤櫻驚喜加盟,開創空前奇幻空間,勇奪30億日圓票房!懸疑小說家一色正和(堺雅人 飾) 與妻子亞紀子(高畑充希 飾) 在神怪之地鎌倉展開新婚生活,兩人不時會遇到各式各樣的妖怪、幽靈,甚至死神(安藤櫻 飾),每日充滿層出不窮的驚喜!然而一天,亞紀子突然消失了!正和追尋之下,才發現亞紀子原來早已因意外離世,她的靈魂更被死神帶走!為了將亞紀子帶回人間,正和決心孤身前往死亡國度,展開一段不可思議的救妻大冒險!