Good Take Too 打開我天空 2016 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Good Take Too 打開我天空 2016  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Good Take Too 打開我天空 2016  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Good Take Too 打開我天空 2016  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Good Take Too 打開我天空 2016  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)


Availability: 2 in stock

Good Take Too 打開我天空 2016 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Director : Eric Tsang
Cast : Eric Tsang, Cheng Pei Pei, Maria Cordero
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin 
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 95 mins
Release Date : 2016-07-21
Publisher : CN Entertainment

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


It is a short story of a rehabilitated inmate who’d lost his love and spends his time at a restaurant every day, waiting for her to turn up. There he met an old lady who too is waiting for her son to come back to her. After discovering that her son was actually the boy he had accidentally killed in the past , he decided to turn anew by working in that restaurant and spending time with the old lady daily.

Sai, a penniless, non-achieving filmmaker, dreamt of making a gangster blockbuster film. With no resources to shoot his scenes and desperate for counter-measures, he decided to film three real thugs in a real-action robbery, and staged it as a sneak reality show. The police, tipped off by an informant, are on standby for capture. When characters of this heist movie and the real world collide, how will Sai, the director with one single camera, get the story to wrap?

Li had resided along in Hong Kong for many years, his wife having passed many years before. After his retirement, he decided to move to QianHai upon learning of its low living standards. Lonely and away from his children, he was pleasantly surprised to find a beautiful widow who had just moved in as his neighbor, causing a ripple in his otherwise quiet life.

《樂兒》小樂兒自小便聽過嫲嫲說松山燈塔的傳說,來 到燈塔的人便有機會得到寶藏,在嫲嫲的鼓勵下,小樂走上 小船前往燈塔尋寶,可是半途中失卻船槳無功而還,可是這 次冒險成為她的特別童年回憶。長大後樂兒放棄理想成為地 產經紀,回想嫲嫲勇往直前的精神,她再次挑戰兒時未完成 的燈塔尋寶夢想,一鼓作氣划船到燈塔…

《等》一名剛剛出獄的監犯每天都在一間茶餐廳坐著, 喝齋啡、煲煙消磨時間,他正等待昔日女友來跟他言好,就 在他等待過程中,他在茶餐廳遇上一個每天在等著兒子回家 的婆婆。婆婆堅持他要吃上一頓飯保重身體,就在兩人怨言 吵駡中,他忍著氣吃下第一口飯,亦平心靜氣聽著婆婆的故 事,才發現當年錯手殺死的人,原來就是婆婆的兒子,以往 浪費青春,今日他重新起步!

《盜亦有導》阿細,一個有理想冇成就的電影人,渴望 拍部驚世駭俗的警匪片,可是銀行戶口只剩下三位數字的阿 細,唯有找來三個大賊上演一場真人騷。憑著一腔熱誠,阿 細入監獄向大盜葉歡求教,葉歡對劇本三番四改,決定出獄 後來一場「大龍鳯」。葉歡找來兩位好兄弟跟阿細一起策劃 到行劫珠寶行,以紀錄片方式拍攝行動過程,電影與真實的 警匪世界開始糾纏不清,阿細亦泥足深陷成為賊人一份子。 葉歡深受阿細電影熱情感染,兩人正全力完成打劫行動,警 方亦步亦趨緊密佈防,最後雙方如何拆局?

《青春》定居香港多年的李濤因妻子離世多年,決定搬 回內地前海過退休生活,卻沒想到,邂逅獨居的鄰居昌嫂, 兩人互相仰慕,日夕相對平凡的相處生活,令本來接受了孤 單的心,又擲起了希望,兩人能否衝破年齡界線開展一段黃 金花之戀?