The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 3 in stock

The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼 2012 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Cast : Cecilia Cheung, Hui Chiu Hung, Siu Shum Yeung
Director : Joe Ma Wai Ho
Language: Cantonese , Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 102 mins + 16 mins (Bonus)
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True-HD 7.1, Dolby Digital EX
Screen Format : Full HD1080 Widesceen
Release Date : 2012-10-26
Publisher : Panorama (HK)   comedy

Usually ships within 4 days with TRACKING NUMBER

Synopsis :

A she-devil against infidelity, Ying (Cecilia Cheung) is both feared and scorned by every man in town. Knowing his daughter would not fall for any ordinary man, Ying’s father (Zhao Benshan) deliberately pits her against Liang (Xiao Shenyang), the wittiest man in town. After Ying and Liang battle it out in a ferocious public debate on love, the two agree on a shocking wager: If Liang can remain faithful to Ying for a year, they would become husband and wife. The sole condition: They must live under the one roof, even if they don't share the same bed. And so begins Ying and Liang’s tumultuous relationship, as the two spend their days quarrelling and secretly scheming against each other. But like all great couples, their intense rivalry eventually blossoms into love. Meanwhile, the traitorous General Sima (Victor Huang) and imperial descendant Liu Da are fighting for the throne, and both sides wish to recruit Liang as military strategist. However, when Liang rejects Sima's offer, the infuriated general orders Liang to be killed. With Ying's help, Liang narrowly manages to escape death and joins Liu's camp. To help her man, Ying audaciously sneaks into Sima's camp and takes the general's wife as hostage. However, Ying mistakenly believes that Liang and Liu's sister are having an affair. As she leaves Liu's camp heartbroken and in tears, she is captured by Sima's men. Upon hearing the news, Liang bravely enters Sima's camp to negotiate for a hostage exchange. As the two men face off, both Liu's and Sima's troops secretly prepare for a decisive battle that will change the fate of the nation. Who will emerge as the victor? Will Liang be able to rescue Ying from the battlefield and earn her forgiveness?

東漢末年,痛恨男人不專情的俠女王月英(張柏芝 飾),整天出手干預別人的家事,還嚴禁所有男人娶妾,弄得民憤難平。月英之父(趙本山 飾) 知道月英不會愛上凡夫俗子, 為了女兒的終身幸福,刻意安排鎮上最有謀略的東方明亮(小瀋陽 飾),與月英進行愛情辯論賽。


此時,權傾朝野的大將軍司馬空(黃維德 飾) 與皇室後裔劉大,爭相招攬明亮為軍師。但司馬空見明亮不為所動,遂派遣刺客暗殺明亮,卻被月英救出。面對司馬空登門咄咄逼人,明亮毅然選擇了仁愛有禮的劉大投靠。明亮與月英依依惜別後,趕到荊野城帶兵守城。月英為了幫明亮,潛入司馬空之軍營劫走其夫人。然而當月英挾著人質來到荊野城,卻發現明亮竟與劉大的妹妹發生曖昧。月英傷心離去時,卻被司馬空部下劫走。明亮為了月英,決定挺而走險,單人匹馬跟司馬空談判,交換人質。雙方暗中卻在調兵遣將,伺機而動!究竟月英能否平安歸來?

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China